2008年12月1日 星期一

Travel in Antarctica

I visited Antarctica last year. I have seen a lot of penguins including gentoo penguins and chinstrap penguins. They are cute and lovely. I also see many  beautiful icebergs with different shapes.The natural beauty of Antarctica is impressed on my memory. During the trip , I learn the cause and effect of global warming. The glaciers melt fast. Due to storm and heavy rain, the baby penguins die before they grow up.The harvest of plants and fishing will also be affected. If global warming goes worse, we will not see the beautiful scenery and lovely penguins in future.We all live in the same planet. We should do something to prevent global warming , to save the lovely penguins.

4 則留言:

  1. 你的文章很好
    [版主回覆12/01/2008 15:48:00]Thank you .

  2. This is a video from YouTube

  3. <embed src= http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/3776/4111.swf width=160 height=210  type=application/x-shockwave-flash wmode="transparent" >
