4) 盡快以不同方法通知通訊錄內人士,以免遭受金錢損失。
在稚虎職員的幫助下,我的電郵於聯絡他們數小時後恢復正常,取回郵件,但失去所有通訊錄內電郵地址,有部分人士將失去聯絡(都係我失策,沒有做備份!) ,維修電腦、除毒、加強防毒軟件花了$898元,鳴嗚嗚!雪上加霜呀!
I'm writing this with tears in my eyes, my family and I came down here to Manila, Philippines for a short vacation, unfortunately we weremugged at the park of the hotel where we stayed all cash, credit card and mobile phone were stolen off us but luckily we still have our passports with us.
We've been to the embassy and the Police here but they're not helping issues at all the bad news is our flight will be leaving in less than 8-hrs from now but we're having problems settling the hotel bills and the hotel manager won't let us leave until we settle the bills.
Am freaked out at the moment! I'll need your help (LOAN) financially . I promise to make the refund once we get back home. Please let me know if you can help and I need you to keep checking your email because it's the only i can reach you.
I'm writing this with tears in my eyes, my family and I came down here to Manila, Philippines for a short vacation, unfortunately we weremugged at the park of the hotel where we stayed all cash, credit card and mobile phone were stolen off us but luckily we still have our passports with us.
We've been to the embassy and the Police here but they're not helping issues at all the bad news is our flight will be leaving in less than 8-hrs from now but we're having problems settling the hotel bills and the hotel manager won't let us leave until we settle the bills.
Am freaked out at the moment! I'll need your help (LOAN) financially . I promise to make the refund once we get back home. Please let me know if you can help and I need you to keep checking your email because it's the only i can reach you.
如收到欺騙郵件,應盡快以電話通知當事人,以便他/她可立刻採取行動,防止騙案發生!幫助求助人前也應先核實身份!犯罪集團的犯案手法是先入侵當事人的電腦,控制他/她的電郵,將所有郵件及通訊錄移走,然後以當事人的名義發求助電郵到通訊錄內的電郵地址,當有回應,他們會把回覆郵件轉到他們預先在其他網站以當事人名字開的新電郵地址,再以新電郵地址寄函叫回覆者付款。電郵地址看以一樣,但小心一點會發現有差異,如yungshunhing@yahoo.com.hk會變成yungshuhing@yahoo.com.hk 或yungshunnhing@yahoo.com.hk等。
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/20/2012 19:02:26]科技愈先進,犯罪手法愈高明,恐怖!
我今日都遇到這情況, 我立刻上網, 發現我的電腦被入侵, 完全不能login, 再login入facebook睇訊息,已有人用我身份同部份朋友提及上述嘅情況, 但我去報案, 並沒有受理
回覆刪除通知雅虎, 沒有真正幫到我, 要留咗另一個email待覆. 結果, 我忍唔住再試答忘密碼提示問題, 最後成功登入. 可惜, 由二月到今日的收件mail, 所有寄出mail及所有通訊錄內電郵地址無晒.......
遇到這情況之前, 我昨晚約八時係收到yahoo send比我要updated我的yahoo id的mail. 當我click入去係無反應, 之後今早便收到朋友的通知......
[版主回覆04/21/2012 08:35:47]真是防不勝防!如果經常上網,最好裝上Internet Security和久不久改密碼!報警時要帶證據,最好請曾回覆騙財郵件的朋友把郵件影印給你帶上!
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/21/2012 08:40:21]惟有盡做防預措施!
不用怕, 改改電郵密碼就無事....!
回覆刪除盡量少在公眾地方上網 check email , 包括用自己手機用公眾商場的 wifi 上網...
[版主回覆05/03/2012 15:53:31]我現在用的網上防毒軟件是ESET Smart Security, $398 2 年有效期。希望頂得住啦!
[冬日 Winter回覆05/03/2012 14:40:40]真的得人驚......
[版主回覆04/30/2012 09:23:53]我想是病毒仍未徹底清除,因為我最近又發現上網慢,郵件開不到!
[冬日 Winter回覆04/22/2012 21:02:21]嘩....咁妳部機都中毒好深, 中了好利害的駭客病毒.....啊
[版主回覆04/22/2012 20:46:06]要做的我都做了。我今午scan電腦時,發現仍有一變種木馬病毒,當internet security移除它時,我的IP遭到攻擊,我立刻便止上網,關掉modem的電源,阻止了它入侵。多可怕!